ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs > Page Report/RDL Report Walkthroughs > Data

This section contains the following walkthroughs that fall under the Data category.

Master Detail Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a master detail report using the Table control and grouping.
Reports with Parameterized Queries
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a simple dynamic query.
Reports with Stored Procedures
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a report that uses a stored procedure as a data set.
Reports with XML Data
This walkthrough demonstrates how to connect a report to an XML data source and to create a data set.
Reports with JSON Data
This walkthrough demonstrates how to connect a report to a JSON data source at run time and use a web service to fetch the data with the authorized access.
Reports with CSV Data
This walkthrough demonstrates how to connect a report to a CSV data source.
Expressions in Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to use expressions to achieve different effects in a report.
Multiple Datasets in a Data Region
This walkthrough demonstrates how to use multiple datasets in a data region using Lookup function.
See Also